This list of over 25 easy family fun craft ideas are all made using FREE…
Over 25 Easy ways to Save the Earth that have a BIG impact
This list of over 25 easy ways to save the Earth is great for the whole family and will help you decide on practical methods for your family to reduce, reuse, and recycle in an impactful way!
Looking for Easy ways to Save the Earth?
Sometimes it can be overwhelming when thinking about ways to help the environment. However, it’s important to remember that every little thing counts and all of those small actions add up to a BIG difference when lots of people do them…and do them consistently.
But where do we start?
I’ve put together a list of over 25 easy and accessible ways that families can work ogether to help save the environment.
Easy ways to Save the Earth
Remember—the key really is Reduce (consumption and waste) , Reuse (as much as possible), Recycle (as much as possible).
So I’ve divided the list into Ways to Reduce/Reuse and Ways to Recycle
Ways to Reduce Consumption and Waste and Reuse
- Plant trees
Planting trees significantly reduces greenhouse gasses. If you can’t plant trees in your yard, you can participate in a local tree planting event. This is a great activity for the whole family! (Just Google “Tree Planting Organization” for a huge list!)
Additionally, you can donate to tree planting organizations that work to save forests and plant more trees.
2. Use cloth napkins (just wash and use them again!)
3. Use Cloth wipes (again–just wash and use them again!)
4. Use microfiber cloths instead of paper towels (same thing–(again–just wash and use them again!)
5. Use reusable bags when shopping
6. Use reusable containers instead of disposable containers or plastic baggies
7. Use rechargeable batteries
8. Compost paper and food waste to use in your garden
9. Reduce carbon emissions by carpooling to work or to after school activities (when Covid-19 is over)
10. Take the bus (when Covid-19 is over)
11. Ride-share to events with friends (when Covid-19 is over)
12. Go vegetarian—Vegetarian diets help reduce our carbon footprint and are more sustainable than meat-based diets
13. Use all-natural products that don’t contain chemicals which can contaminate our water supply
14. Walk or ride your bike instead of driving.
Did you know that even a 2-mile car trip puts 2 pounds of CO2into the atmosphere! Click To Tweet15. Turn off your car engine when you’re sitting idle (ex: in the carpool line at school or in the drive-thru line at Starbucks)
Turning off your car engine when you’re sitting idle at Starbucks or the carpool line at school can significantly cut down on air pollution. #ecotips Click To Tweet16. Swap old incandescent light bulbs for the new compact fluorescent lights (CFLs). This drastically helps reduce your carbon footprint.
17. Turn off lights, TVs, computers, when you’re not using them.
18. Not only does this help save money by not wasting gas, it also helps reduce pollution.
19. Save water by using water-savers in your toilet or shower
20. Take shorter showers or baths
21. Save water at restaurants by not asking for the automatic water unless you intend to drink it.
22. Buy local (foods or products that have not been shipped over long distances. Shipping greatly contributes to carbon emissions.)
23 Buy recycled products (like recycled paper, aluminum foil, etc)
24. Buy used items from neighbors or consignment shops (that’s one of the ultimate and oldest form of recycling).
25. Think Creatively and reuse objects around your house like wrapping paper or gift bows
26. Repurpose objects around the house into new things-ex: upcycled art, or turn t-shirts into bandanas, bags, or rags.
27. Take the stairs instead of the elevator when possible
28. Cook with sustainable ingredients (example, bison or legumes )
Ways to Recycle
Most of us are familiar with curbside recycling programs where you can recycle paper, plastic, and sometimes glass. But did you know that there are a lot more recycling options out there. Almost anything can be recycled. There are CHaRM (Center for Hard-to-Recycle Materials) Centers all over the US ready to help you recycle your old “junk.”
Here are some examples of products they can process:
28. Recycle home electronics, cell phones, printer cartridges, and batteries
29.Hard to recycle plastics (like bubble wrap, foam, and toys)
30. Appliances
31. Cooking Oil
32. Paint
33. Yoga Mats
34. Paper Shredding
35. Bike parts
36. Mattresses
37. Textiles
38. Fire distinguishers
What are your favorite ways to help the planet? Leave a me comment below.
And don’t forget to Pin this article to read again later!
HI! I’m a Shana, self-proclaimed Media Mixologist, wife, and mom to two little girls. I love to mix up cocktails of crafts, recipes, wellness, family and business with just the right amount of sparkle to help you shine everyday. So, grab a glass, and let’s celebrate the cocktail of life!
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