These tips and after school conversation starters will help you to get your kids to…
These days getting my kids to school on time is as big a #win as reaching the summit of a mountain!
I’m participating in the Blogher NaBloPoMo for March and one of this week’s prompts is:
When or where do you feel most like yourself?
I feel most like myself when:
- When I’m hanging out with my girls-talking, laughing, playing, being imaginative, and having fun. I can see the world through their innocent eyes and am reminded of all the good in the little things of life.
- When I accomplish something big like reaching the summit of a mountain. However, these days my big #wins are: going to the gym, getting a blog post done, and getting my girls to school in time for carpool line–bonus points for-shoes still on/lunch in hand/breakfast in tummy/and clean faces.
- I used to feel bad about my inability to get out the door in a timely manner, until I saw this Michael McIntyre video:
Where do I feel most like myself?
On top of a mountain, breathing in the fresh air. After reaching a summit, ones’ problems feel as small as the houses or trees below.
HI! I’m a Shana, self-proclaimed Media Mixologist, wife, and mom to two little girls. I love to mix up cocktails of crafts, recipes, wellness, family and business with just the right amount of sparkle to help you shine everyday. So, grab a glass, and let’s celebrate the cocktail of life!
Amber Day Hicks says
Here here on getting everyone where they are supposed to be ontime, dressed, faces cleanedk & fed! Your girls are precious! ~Amber~
admin says
Haha! Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Cheers to another #MomWin 🙂