Back in 2012 when I was going through my breast cancer treatments, I was…
Toasting Tuesdays- Wine art, wise quotes, women and wellness
Time for another Toasting Tuesdays where I toast Wine, Women, Wellness, and #Wins.
Wine and #Wins:
Aubrey, who writes at, hosts a Wino Wednesdays twice a month where she features great wine-related info. I love this piece of wine art she found from Brittany Garner Designs on Etsy.
This piece of art is also part of my pick for this week’s #Wins because, well, it speaks for itself. lol

Women and Wellness:
I’m grouping these together this week because I came across two great posts that relate to the wellness and support of women of which we could all use more!
1) Last night, when I should’ve been in bed, I read this wonderful post about managing it all and maintaining balance by CrunchyCrafty. I really appreciated her section on getting enough sleep (as I read this after 11pm) lol
2) LivingInMommywood also wrote a great piece supporting women and wellness filled with beautiful inspirational quotes that is definitely worth reading.
What are you toasting this week? I’d love to hear your toasts. Please leave a comment below.
HI! I’m a Shana, self-proclaimed Media Mixologist, wife, and mom to two little girls. I love to mix up cocktails of crafts, recipes, wellness, family and business with just the right amount of sparkle to help you shine everyday. So, grab a glass, and let’s celebrate the cocktail of life!
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