This past weekend, my husband and I were very fortunate to be invited to the…
Fourth of July Playlist
Independence Day is almost here, so today I’m compiling a little Fourth of July playlist. This is by no way, an all encompassing list, but these are a few songs that I have to hear on July 4th.
Marine Corps Band-Stars and Stripes Forever
I always get giddy goosebumps every time I hear the brass, knowing some amazing patriotic display (usually awesome fireworks) are about to begin.
Star Spangled Banner–Jimi Hendrix
Nothing screams American to me more than Jimi Hendrix version of the Star Spangled Banner–the way he was able create an intricate, moving improvisation while still staying true to the original music. He brought his own unique style to something and made it even better-just like the All-American melting pot that we are.
America-Neil Diamond
This song always reminds me of July Fourth celebrations from my childhood. I remember dancing around to this rousing rendition thinking he was speaking directly to me and my family, and still to this day when I hear it, I can’t help but get a excited as I feel my toes start to tap. Besides, how can you not get excited with all those bedazzeled sequins??!!
Chicken Fried-Zac Brown Band
I probably include this in all of my lists because it’s one of my favorite songs. And this version is even more awesome because it’s a duet with Jimmy Buffett.
God Bless the USA-Lee Greenwood
Some people may say roll their eyes and say this song is super cheeze but it really is quite poignant and I have to admit, I really like it when they play it during the fireworks.
Well, those are all of my “must-haves” for the Fourth–the kind of songs that just make my day complete. There really are a lot of good patriotic songs out there. If I listed them all, we’d be here til next week. So, I’ve added some other great choices to my Fourth of July Playlist board on Pinterest. Check it out. And while you’re there, be sure to Follow my other great Pinterest boards as well.
So, now I’d like to know….what are your absolute favorite, must-have songs in your Fourth of July celebration?
HI! I’m a Shana, self-proclaimed Media Mixologist, wife, and mom to two little girls. I love to mix up cocktails of crafts, recipes, wellness, family and business with just the right amount of sparkle to help you shine everyday. So, grab a glass, and let’s celebrate the cocktail of life!
This brought me a great deal of joy this morning. I had never seen that Zac Brown Jimmy Buffett duet. I love Jimi and Jimmy, especially barefoot, smiling Jimmy. Have a great week!
Yay! I’m so glad!!! Yes, smiling, barefoot Jimmy is definitely the best. I would love to see a duet with him and Dave Matthews just for the dancing feet!