Wellness Wednesday Move over kale, seaweed is the hot, new superfood! Seaweed and other sea…
How to Make Extra Relaxing Hot Cocoa to Relieve Stress
This Matcha Tea based hot cocoa is packed with superfood antioxidants to help you relax and feel more energized. It’s fast, simple, and only contains 2 ingredients! The Perfect relaxation drink for the busy mom.
As a busy mom, I drink a lot of coffee.
But at a certain point, I reach my caffeine limit. (I can only handle soo much caffeine.)
I hate it when you have that 1 cup too many and all of a sudden you go from this:
To this
So sometimes, I’ll just make myself a nice cup of hot chocolate and add in whatever little bit of coffee is still in the pot. This usually gives it a nice little kick without too many extra jitters.
I know I can do BETTER for myself.
After all, hot cocoa can be loaded with sugar and extra calories….I always say I need to drink MORE green tea or veggie energy boosts.
But I feel like there’s just something relaxing and energizing about classic hot cocoa.
And it turns out…. I’M RIGHT. There actually IS something medicinal about hot chocolate!
Did you know that hot cocoa actually has medicinal properties? Whaat?! It's true! Read about it and grab my 2 ingredient vegan hot cocoa recipe here. Click To TweetMedicinal Qualities of Hot Cocoa
Studies show that sipping just 8 ounces of hot cocoa a day can lower your risk of depression and fatigue by 45%!!!
Soo—it’s not just in your head! Hot Cocoa is actually GOOD FOR YOU!
According to psychiatrist Hyla Cass, MD, author of Supplement Your Prescription, the blend of magnesium, theobromine, and phenylethylamine in cocoa actually boosts your brain’s production of dopamine, which helps you feel more upbeat!
Two Ingredient Superfood Hot Cocoa
So, remember earlier how I was thinking I could “Do better for myself?”
Well, I think found the perfect solution, and I was able to create it using only TWO ingredients!
Yes, overstressed busy moms—you’re welcome!
Simply, take Matcha Almond Milk (found at Trader Joe’s), and blend it with Barlean’s Chcocolate Silk Greens powder instead of traditional cocoa powder for extra nutrition.
Blender tip:
By the way–see that dark line on my blender? I used a sharpie to mark the 1 cup level, so I don’t have to squint every time I use it. (It helps me make my smoothies faster!).
What is Matcha?
Matcha is a form of green tea that’s high in cancer-fighting antioxidants as well as promoting calm and relaxation while still giving you an energy boost from the natural caffeination.
It’s partly shade-grown which enables it to have an increased level of the amino acid L-Theanine. L-Theanine helps your brain relax and calm down.
What is Barlean’s Chocolate Silk Greens?
- Delicious superfood loaded with antioxidants from fair-trade COCOA and nutrients from more than a dozen fruits and veggies
- Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Dairy Free, Vegan
- Contains natural plant fiber from chicory and flaxseed
If you read my Chia Seed Pudding post, then you’ll remember how I was so impressed with this chocolate flavored greens powdered.
By replacing your traditional cocoa powder with the Barlean’s Chocolate Silk Greens powder, you’re still getting the nutritional benefits of cocoa, but you’re also getting the rich antioxidants and nutrients from all of the superfood veggies and fruits that are also included as well as turmeric extract and cinnamon.
It’s a healthier way to sip your cocoa!
Fight stress and Fatigue with the super food powered vegan hot cocoa. It’s rich, chocolatey, and good for you! #Choctoberfest @Barleans Click To TweetHow to Make Extra Relaxing Hot Cocoa to Relieve Stress
Scroll to the bottom for a Printable Recipe Card.
- 1 cup Match Tea Almond Milk (I got mine from Trader Joe’s) (you could also use regular almond milk or coconut milk and then add some steeped Matcha Tea)
- 1 scoop Barlean’s Chocolate Silk Greens Powder
- Add your liquid into the blender.
- Then add the Barlean’s Chocolate Silk Greens Powder.
- Set your Vitamix to “hot soups,” and it will be ready in about 5 minutes. Or you, if you don’t have the preset function, then turn it to high (level 10) and let it mix for 10 minutes. (If you don’t have a high-powered blender, you could always stick it in the microwave for about 1 -1 1/2 minutes.)
This will ensure that it comes out frothy and warm. Perfect for sipping and re-energizing.
Top with whipped cream, marshmallows, cinnamon or just leave it plain…and enjoy!
For a special cinnamon whipped topping, follow the icing directions from my Mexican Hot Chocolate Cupcakes. This light cinnamon filled whipped topping would be perfect for any warm beverage.
Don’t forget to Pin this recipe for later.
And please take a moment to share with your friends. Simply click on any of the sharing buttons (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, G+) below. Thanks!
- 1 cup Match Tea Almond Milk (I got mine from Trader Joe’s) (you could also use regular almond milk or coconut milk and then add some steeped Matcha Tea)
- 1 scoop Barlean’s Chocolate Silk Greens Powder
- Add your liquid into the blender.
- Then add the Barlean’s Chocolate Silk Greens Powder.
- Set your Vitamix to “hot soups,” and it will be ready in about 5 minutes. Or you, if you don’t have the preset function, then turn it to high (level 10) and let it mix for 10 minutes. (If you don’t have a high-powered blender, you could always stick it in the microwave for about 1 -1 1/2 minutes.)
- This will ensure that it comes out frothy and warm. Perfect for sipping and re-energizing.
HI! I’m a Shana, self-proclaimed Media Mixologist, wife, and mom to two little girls. I love to mix up cocktails of crafts, recipes, wellness, family and business with just the right amount of sparkle to help you shine everyday. So, grab a glass, and let’s celebrate the cocktail of life!
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