This has been a very crazy week with all the bad Spring storms and tornado…
How to Easily Take Charge of Your Health with Seed Probiotics
Taking care of your gut health has become increasingly popular, but how do you start? Today, I’m breaking down all the essential elements of gut health (including prebiotics, probiotics, synbiotics and managing your gut microbiota) and explaining how to easily manage it all with Seed Probiotic supplements.

An Easy Way to Take Care of YOU!
Please note, this is a sponsored post in partnership with the good folks from Seed. The product links in this are affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase through the link, I will receive a small commission that goes to supporting my website. There is no additional cost to you, and I only share products that I recommend and use myself.
As moms, it’s so easy to let things for ourselves slip off the To-Do list.
We’re so busy managing everything for everyone else—it often feels like there’s never a single minute to do something just for us. (Especially these days #PandemicLife)
I’ve talked about Self-Care a lot this year. Probably because we need it now more than ever.
Related: If you missed my article about How to Stay Happy and Stress-free During Remote Learning be sure to take a peak—it’s chock-full of great, action-oriented tips that you can start doing little by little TODAY!

We all know stress is bad and can negatively affect our health-including our gut health.
Personally, I’ve struggled with stress-induced Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) since my 20’s. I’ve been able to successfully manage it with proper diet, exercise, mindfulness, and probiotic vitamins.
So I know first-hand the careful balance we need to keep between stress, our health, and our gut.
Recently, I was introduced to Seed Probiotic—I’ve been using them for several weeks and am really happy with the results. I feel more balanced, regular, and more energized. My skin and hair also feel better. Now, everybody is different so you may feel benefits differently.
I like to take it FIRST thing in the morning even before my daily Apple Cider Vinegar drink. Then I follow-up with my favorite morning smoothie (By the way–this Smoothie Post is one of my most popular recipes). Then I know, whatever the day brings, that at least I’ve done one good thing for myself and my health.

What’s going on in your Gut, and Why is Gut Health important?
Your gut is made up of thousands of microscopic bacteria (don’t worry-it’s a good bacteria that helps your body). Those bacteria create a micro-ecosystem that’s called a microbiome.

When you feed your body, you’re also feeding that microbiome and what you feed them can make a BIG difference in your overall health. For example, WebMD tells us that our microbiome can affect everything from tummy trouble like IBS, to skin conditions like eczema to even our ability to fight colds and other illnesses!
So I bet you’re probably saying to yourself “But Shana, you just said there are THOUSANDS of tiny bacteria in my gut—how am I supposed to know what to feed them when I can barely feed my kids on time? Can’t I just eat more yogurt?”
Don’t worry, I hear ya! The last thing we busy moms need is MORE things to keep track off!!! Acckk!
So that’s why taking a probiotic is a great way to manage this. And yes, yogurt with live cultures is GREAT for your gut health but you need more than just yogurt for optimum wellness.
You need Probiotics and Prebiotics, and the Seed supplements contain both!
It’s called a Synbiotic. It does double duty!
(Note: In this article, I often refer to the Seed Synbiotic supplement as a Probiotic simply because that’s what most of us are used to calling this type of supplement. However—it is actually a synbiotic as it contains both the pre-and probiotic.)

What’s the difference between Probiotics and Prebiotics?
Quite simply, think of it this way:
Probiotics are the good, healthy, live bacteria
Prebiotics are the food for that bacteria / microbes.
You want a diverse amount of healthy bacteria. By taking probiotic supplements, you’re adding to the diversity of your Microbiota and increasing the healthy population of microbes.
Prebiotics can be found in food through fruits and vegetables via their fiber and resistant starch. The fiber and starch get left behind and become food for the bacteria. This is why we’re always told to eat foods rich in fiber, and this is also why fiber helps you go poop!
You can read more about this at the MayoClinic. I’d also recommend this book for more information on gut health.
Synbiotics are supplements that contain both Probiotics and Prebiotics (as I mentioned above).
If I eat healthy (including eating fermented foods), do I still need to take a probiotic?
Yes, eating fermented foods, such as: tempeh, sauerkraut, yogurt with live cultures, miso, kimchi, kombucha, kefir, sourdough bread are a great way to support the healthy bacteria in your gut.
However, you would need to eat a lot to accomplish what a probiotic supplement like SEED does in one cute, tiny pill.

The great thing about Seed Synbiotic is that includes 24 clinically- studied, naturally-occurring strains, not found in yogurt or fermented foods and beverages.
So, yes keep eating healthy fermented foods, but also add in a Seed probiotic for greater overall health.
By the way—Use my VIP Code: SHANA15 to get 15% off the First Month of your Daily Synbiotic subscription.

Seed is subscription based–AKA-Great for Busy Moms!
As with many things during 2020, I fell off my usual probiotic routine. Before 2020, I had been buying whichever brand was on sale at the grocery store. And when the pandemic hit, I ran out and just forgot to continue.
The nice thing about Seed Probiotics is that it’s subscription based and is delivered right to your door. There’s no need to worry about forgetting to add it to your list and then slipping off your routine.
Seed Probiotics are actually Synbiotics
I love how Seed contains a prebiotic and probiotic for more compete gut health. I just take the pill and then I know everything’s covered. Nice and simple.
Seed puts our planet first
Seed Probiotics use eco-friendly packaging (recyclable and biodegradable) and have different shipping / ordering options to cut down on carbon emissions.
Additionally, the kit comes with a nice glass bottle that you can reuse for all of your monthly refills and a cute Travel container so you can take it with you on the road!

Seed adheres to high regulatory standards
Supplements are not regulated by the FDA the same way as food and drugs, but at Seed, they adhere to global regulatory standards to make sure you’re getting the safest and highest quality product possible. Learn more here
Give Seed Probiotics a Try
Try Seed for 30 Days. If you’re not satisfied, Seed offers a 30-Day guarantee. Be sure to use Discount Code: SHANA15 for 15% of your first month!
I hope you try it. If you do, definitely let me know what you think!
And Don’t Forget to PIN this so you can reference it later!

HI! I’m a Shana, self-proclaimed Media Mixologist, wife, and mom to two little girls. I love to mix up cocktails of crafts, recipes, wellness, family and business with just the right amount of sparkle to help you shine everyday. So, grab a glass, and let’s celebrate the cocktail of life!

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